The Procedure

The Procedure

Chris Cummings was a bright kid from a small town. He took advantage of a Stanford scholarship to achieve a double doctorate in chemistry and biology. He spent the next 25 years developing a unique gene therapy that would change the face of medicine. He never envisioned that big Pharma and his own government could be a bigger challenge.

Stacy Ogden was a small-town reporter, who through her dogged investigative reporting, worked her way up to being the lead reporter on healthcare for the New York Times. She never thought her investigations would lead to murder, but they did.

Milton Simon was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his father never let him forget it. He pushed his son to achieve well beyond his abilities. Neither Milton nor his father would have considered that his greatest achievement could lead to his actual demise.

When Milton’s political aspirations clash with Chris’ desire to completely change life as we know it, friendships, careers, and lives will be severely tested.

If you loved The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, you’ll love The Procedure.

Other books by Jeffrey Cohen

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