Safer Investing for Turbulent Times

Safer Investing for Turbulent Times: How to Profit Even When You Pick the Wrong Stocks

This book will show you how to structure your portfolio in a way that substantially reduces your risk while still maintaining the potential for double-digit returns. Many who will read this book know all too well the risks they have been exposed to over their lifetime of investing in equity markets. Unfortunately, most didn’t know it was possible to avoid much of it without giving up too much of the potential upside.
Unlike many books that persuade you to their point of view by sneak attack, this book presents its premises right up front and then presents the evidence to support them. Here are the basic premises of the book:

1) Nobody (other than some insiders) know for sure what the market or any particular stock is going to do.
2) The market is influenced by people who do not have your best interests in mind.
3) Wall street analysts are of little help because they either don’t know the direction of a stock or they are purposely misleading you.
4) You can’t trust the numbers produced by supposedly independent accounting firms.

If these premises are accurate, then why would anyone ever invest in equities? The answer is they shouldn’t, at least in the traditional method. Buying stocks or traditional mutual funds in today’s volatile market environment is way to risky. This book will prove the premises and show you a less risky alternative.

Other books by Jeffrey Cohen

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